About the creators

(For computer project)

 About KrankyJoe:

I aspire to be a digital artist and comic illustrator/writer here is some of my Art:

I also enjoy watching Anime and Tokusatsu because I think their themes and messages are still relevant and important to us to this day

About NoOne143:

About Me? Well I don't have interesting hobbies like my partner has, but I do have an interest in computers (ex. Software modding, Windows modifications, and maybe a little bit of windows bugs hehe) 

Well I don't have interesting to say about our blog other introducing to ourselves...
Well I share some software mods with you that I've been using/found over the years... 

The first is no ads/advertisements youtube! (or at least a patch to achieve no ads in YouTube) 

Its called Revanced manager/patcher! 


And also this is not exclusive for the official YouTube/YouTube music only! It also patches other apps as well, like Twitter, reddit, and maybe tiktok? (I'm not sure about that yet 😅)

(And another also! You need VancedMicroG as well to really work flawlessly) 

Next is an actual application for no ads youtube on ios/iPad!
Its called uYouPlus/uYou+

(just go to their github page uYouplus, on how to install it because I don't own any apple devices 😕😕) 

Next(or maybe lastly, because running out to say up this point because writing this on 2 am...) is an windows tool that is beyond helpful! 
Uninstall tool
This tool deletes built-in/useless system apps, and also it has the most sophisticated(well "sophisticated" is not the right word to use in this sentence) advanced startup manager build-in other task manager... (to disable start on startup applications, just look for the option kinda like this "startup" or "start on startup" on both applications (e.g. Task manager, Uninstall tool))


(the password this downloaded zip is mysubsarethebest) 
(And if want to download the latest version of Uninstall tool, because this is not the latest version but the features is still the same for the newer versions. Then just search: Uninstall Tool 3. 6.X (not exactly 'x' you know that's supposed mean the later revisions...) 
Well that's it for now our updated blog, because I'm incredibly tired right and I want to sleep until 10 am *awkward laugh"... 

(maybe I'm gonna keep updating this in the future, but today/this year eh) 
